Thursday, October 31, 2013

ኢትዮጵያዊቷን የማደጎ ልጅ በርሀብ የገደለችው አሜሪካዊት በ37 አመታት እስራት ተቀጣች

Hana’s parents broke down in tears as they get maximum sentences (+video)

የ42 አመቷ ካሪ ዊሊያምስ የ13 አመቷን ታዳጊ ሐና ዊሊያምስን በረሀብና በብርድ በመቅጣት ህይወቷ እንዲያልፍ ማድረጓን ፍርድ ቤቱ አረጋግጧል።
የገዳዩዋ ባለቤት በ28 አመታት እንዲታሰር ተፈርዶበታል። ሌላው የ10 አመቱ የማደጎ ታዳጊ ኢትዮጵያዊም ለሌሎች አሳዳጊዎች እንዲሰጥ ተደርጓል። ፍርዱን የሰጡት ዳኛ ከፍተኛ የሚባለው ቅጣት ማስተላላፋቸውን ተናግረዋል። ሁለቱም ሰዎች ከሁለት አመታት በፊት መታሰራቸው ይታወሳል።

  • Larry and Carri Williams of Sedro-Woolley, Washington were found guilty of neglecting, abusing, and ultimately killing 13-year-old Hana Williams
  • The couple left Hana to die from hypothermia and starvation in their backyard in May 2011
  • Step-brother Immanuel testified he and Hana were beaten with sticks, hosed down, forced to eat frozen food and locked in closets
  • Larry accusing his wife of being the ‘primary actor’ in the abuse
A Washington couple accused of starving, beating and forcing their adopted daughter to stay outside as punishment have been sentenced to spend decades in prison for her death.
Larry and Carri Williams were convicted on September 9 and sentenced on Tuesday for the manslaughter in the death of a teenage girl they adopted from Ethiopia.
Carri Williams was also found guilty of homicide by abuse.
Hana Williams was found dead May 12, 2011, in the backyard of the family home in Sedro-Woolley, about 60 miles north of Seattle.

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